About Us
Piccadilly for all your statuary needs. Artistically accent your home and garden decor our extensive selection of Sculptures
and Statues. Find satisfaction in the beauty and artistry of classic statues
, historical reproductions, Greek and Roman art and furnishings that speak to your versatile taste of indoor and outdoor decor.
It is a good way to fabricate the sculpture in fiberglass or resin with metallic paint if your budget is limited and need colorful statues to decorate indoor or outdoor environment.
We are a 20 years'/bronze/stainless steel fiberglass sculpture supplier and able to enlarge the sculpture by 3D printing technology. Any question? Call us!
Whatsapp : 0086+18789687086 (suki)
0086+14704775848 (Jessica)
0086+18676369917 (monica)